In life, and in travel, we often forget to take a moment to smell the roses and really enjoy where we are. Nobody wants to look back regretting those golden opportunities that were missed. We can also sometimes let trivial things get in the way of life’s enjoyment rather than letting go so we can indulge in the bliss of each experience.
So what is ‘Mindful travel’ and how can we embrace this concept?
Mindful travel means being thoughtful and responsible as we see the world. Its paying attention to our present-moment experiences with openness, curiosity and a willingness to be with what is - it’s the capacity of our mind to not be lost in the past or future, but to be more present by devoting your full attention to each travel experience as it happens, being open to our senses.. to be less reactive (think traffic jams en-route to your holiday destination on a long weekend.. It’s all part of the journey.. Isn’t it? Take a breath.. you’ll get there in the end! Slow down, play a game of ‘eye spy’! Used to help us all as kids on those long drives and family vacations “.. are we there yet?”!
Travelling is almost always a fun and exciting experience that gives you the opportunity to learn new things, discover different cultures, to get ‘lost’ and explore the unknown. Travel is filled with surprises – some may disappoint you, but most of the time travel can be unexpectedly wonderful and you will always find your way back home even if you did take the wrong turn!
Here are some really easy ways that you can incorporate the concept of mindful travel into your next holiday and something we encourage on our Retreat experiences.
Go for quiet walks - slow down.
Give yourself the gift of ‘time’ enjoy ‘being’ not always ‘doing’.
Try something new - support local businesses.
Silence your devices - including your phone!
Practice gratitude and change the ‘I have to’s to I get to..’
Embrace your curiosity - be playful and have fun!
Being present and aware of your surroundings allows you to enjoy the moment – and that always makes travel all the more meaningful. Practicing being mindful on the daily will help create a positive habit in your life and when that happens - it doesn’t matter where you go - you’ll always see the benefits.